
Cleat selector
Finding the right cleat

With an online tool, Optibelt now enables quick and clear access to its comprehensive cleat range. Using this cleat selector, customers can select their individual transport solution from a standard spectrum of more than 400 different cleat shapes, specifically for their application, or adjust them subsequently to their requirements. The selection mask of this online tool can be used to access the most important basic data regarding the shape, material and dimensions of the cleats. Each hit with the associated information can then be downloaded free of charge as a PDF or CAD file.


Data sheet selector
Current data sheets on demand

The data sheet selector gives you quick and easy access to online data sheets for the Optibelt product groups optibelt ALPHA TORQUE, optibelt ALPHA POWER, optibelt ALPHA FLEX, optibelt ALPHA LINEAR and
optibelt ALPHA V. By selecting the base belts, profiles and tension cords, the corresponding data sheet for the timing belt can be found. The data sheet not only includes the most important basic data about the belts, but also relevant design data, such as minimum diameters for pulleys and idlers. Each data sheet can then be downloaded free of charge as a PDF file.


Price calculator
Quick cost summary

With the aid of the price calculator, the prices for the standard products optibelt ALPHA FLEX,
and optibelt ALPHA V of the Optibelt Material Handling division can be requested quickly and easily online. After selecting the base belt and the required profile, the tension cords that are available and the possible fabric combinations will be displayed. Based on this, the prices for suitable drive solutions can be calculated specifically. Following this, an official quotation indicating the price and the delivery time can be requested.


Product finder
Straight to the right product

An overview of our products and combination with tension cords and fabrics. Select according to dimensions, industry and profiles.


Learn more about us

Optibelt Material Handling GmbH

Belt cutting machine


Illinois (Headquarters)

1580 W. Stearns Rd.
Bartlett, IL 60103

Phone: 630-628-8400
E-mail: sales.usa[at]optibeltcom