Optibelt Material Handling
Optibelt Material Handling
Logistyka i dystrybucja
Optibelt Material Handling
Wszystko na pierwszy rzut oka. Broszura dotycząca logistyki i dystrybucji w branży.
Fundraising campaign by the Arntz Optibelt Group
Höxter, 14 December 2023. This year, the Arntz Optibelt is supporting local non-profit organisations with a donation of 10,000 Euro.
St. Nicholas Day coffee event at the Arntz Optibelt Group
Höxter, 6 December 2023. At the Arntz Optibelt Group’s traditional St. Nicholas Day coffee event for former employees, the company honoured colleagues...
Progress at the Optibelt Production Mexico
Höxter, 25. October 2023. With the foundation of the new production company in Mexico the Arntz Optibelt Group is strengthening its growth on the...
Anniversary Celebration 150 Years of Optibelt
Höxter, July 08 2023. At the beginning of July, we celebrated our big anniversary at our headquarters in Höxter. Since the celebration could not take...
Zapraszamy do zapoznania się z nami
Optibelt Material Handling GmbH
Zgrzewarka cierna RS02

Optibelt Material Handling GmbH
Im Emerten 11
D-31737 Rinteln
Tel. +49 57 51 96 77 90
Fax +49 57 51 96 77 910
E-mail: info-omh[at]optibeltcom