
Optibelt Material Handling


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Optibelt Material Handling

Logistica e distribuzione

Optibelt Material Handling

Tutto a colpo d'occhio. La brochure per la logistica e la distribuzione del settore.

The Arntz Optibelt Group of Companies is celebrating its 150th anniversary

|   Pressemeldung

As one of the world's most important manufacturers of high-performance drive belts and specific drive solutions for a wide range of industries, the...

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Annual Press Conference 2021

|   Pressemeldung

Arntz Optibelt records a turnover of around 255 million euros in 2020

• Company vaccination

• Apprenticeship start 2021

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Optibelt launches new aftermarket range

The automotive industry continues to develop rapidly. In order to keep up with the quick changes and to be able to react flexibly to trends we are...

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Mediacenter live now

You can now register for the Mediacenter on our homepage.

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Conosceteci meglio


Optibelt Material Handling GmbH

Im Emerten 11
D-31737 Rinteln

Tel. +49 57 51 96 77 90
Fax +49 57 51 96 77 910

E-mail: info-omh[at]optibeltcom