[Translate to Thai:] Applications in the oil & gas industry
[Translate to Thai:] Oil production with PCP pumps
Smooth operation thanks to Optibelt
[Translate to Thai:] Apart from typical drilling tools, PCP pumps (“Progressing Cavity Pumps”) that place great strain on V-belts due to their small pulley diameter and high performance are also used for oil production.
[Translate to Thai:] Sucker-rod pumps & pump jacks
Driven by V-belts from Optibelt
[Translate to Thai:] The oil field located to the west of the United States impressively demonstrates the fascination of technology. Each of the pumps conveys up to 250 barrels of oil a day. The reliable long-term performance of the pumps places high requirements on the quality of the drive belts.
[Translate to Thai:] Belt usage on drilling rigs
Use in extreme temperature conditions
[Translate to Thai:] The largest production platform ever built is the Norwegian Sea Troll belonging to the oil company Statoil with a million tonnes of water displacement. It measures 472 meters in height from the plinth to the top of the torch mast and is situated on the seabed 303 metres deep.
[Translate to Thai:] Products in use
[Translate to Thai:] Success stories
[Translate to Thai:] “LMF” relies on
optibelt RED POWER 3 S=C Plus
LMF, Austria
[Translate to Thai:] The Leobersdorfer Maschinenfabrik (LMF) from Austria is one of the leading manufacturers of high-pressure reciprocating compressor systems for air, natural gas and technical /industrial gases worldwide. These systems are used for the extraction of oil and the compression of natural gas. In these applications there is a high level of stresses due to the high performance demands and extreme weather conditions. This is why LMF uses maintenance-free optibelt RED POWER 3 S=C Plus high-performance wedge belts. They offer the power, durability and worry-free reliability LMF operations require.
[Translate to Thai:] Learn more about us
[Translate to Thai:] Optibelt GmbH
Industry trailer
[Translate to Thai:] Optibelt GmbH
Corveyer Allee 15
D-37671 Höxter/Germany
Tel.: +49 5271 621
Email: info-optibelt[at]optibeltcom