
[Translate to Thai:] Applications in the fan & compressor sector

Optibelt Anwendung Luefter Kompressoren Ventilatoren

[Translate to Thai:] Heat exchangers

Unbroken use thanks to Optibelt

Optibelt Anwendung Luefter Kompressoren Waermetauscher

[Translate to Thai:] These systems have to withstand extreme thermal conditions, but still need to function perfectly at all times – this presents a particular challenge for the materials and machinery used.

[Translate to Thai:] Piston compressors

Driven by Optibelt

Optibelt Anwendung Luefter Kompressor Kolbenkompressor

[Translate to Thai:] Tried-and-tested “all-rounders” in various sizes that can be used in a variety of applications: from car workshops through to large-scale industry.

[Translate to Thai:] Air-conditioning in buildings

Optibelt Anwendung Luefter Kompressoren Klima

[Translate to Thai:] Air-conditioning systems need to be ready for operation around the clock, and this places heavy demands on their drive mechanisms.

[Translate to Thai:] Products in use

[Translate to Thai:] References in the fan & compressor sector

[Translate to Thai:] With CAP offline from Optibelt, you can easily calculate your drive design.
[Translate to Thai:] Click here for our product range of the fans & compressor industry in the e-shop.
[Translate to Thai:] Everything at a glance - the Brochure for the fans & compressor industry

[Translate to Thai:] Success stories

Optibelt Erfolgsstory Sellafield

[Translate to Thai:] Improved safety thanks to
optibelt RED POWER belts


Optibelt Erfolgsstory Midor

[Translate to Thai:] Longer lifespan with
lower costs

[Translate to Thai:] In its ice-cream and biscuit factories, the Swiss food producer Midor AG has to satisfy stringent requirements with regard to the climate in the buildings. Previously, this was only possible at great expense and with high maintenance costs. For this reason, MIDOR AG switched here to maintenance-free optibelt RED POWER 3 S=C Plus high-performance wedge belts. This allowed the company to halve the costs associated with the previously used flat-belt drives and to profit from a significantly higher level of operational reliability.

IN USE: optibelt RED POWER 3 S=C Plus

[Translate to Thai:] Learn more about us

[Translate to Thai:] Optibelt GmbH

Industry trailer


[Translate to Thai:] Optibelt GmbH

Corveyer Allee 15
D-37671 Höxter/Germany

Tel.: +49 5271 621
Email: info[at]optibeltcom