
[Translate to Thai:] Applications in agricultural technology

[Translate to Thai:] [Translate to English:] Landtechnik von Optibelt

[Translate to Thai:] Combine harvesters

Equipped with Optibelt high-performance belts

[Translate to Thai:] [Translate to English:] Mähdrescher ausgestattet mit Optibelt Riemen

[Translate to Thai:] Today’s combine harvesters are more than just cereal harvesting machines. Not only productivity, but also versatility and reliability, play a decisive role.

[Translate to Thai:] Field choppers

Driven by Optibelt belts

Optibelt Anwendung Feldhaecksler

[Translate to Thai:] The all-rounder among harvesting machines. Whether it’s maize, grass, or alfalfa, the demands on field choppers are constantly on the rise.

[Translate to Thai:] Mowers

[Translate to Thai:] [Translate to English:] Auch Mähwerke werden von Optibelt Riemen angetrieben

[Translate to Thai:] Today, in addition to fuel consumption, maintenance and adaptation to the ground, perfect power transmission is extremely important.

[Translate to Thai:] Products in use

[Translate to Thai:] Success stories

Optibelt Erfolgsstory Kverneland

[Translate to Thai:] Perfect speed ratio - maximum performance

Kverneland, Norway

[Translate to Thai:]
With a company history spanning over 130 years, Kverneland reaches milestones in agricultural machinery production. For this, it relies on Optibelt’s quality belts. After an exhaustive testing phase, they decided to use a maintenance-free, high-performance wedge belt by Optibelt.

which combines a perfect speed ratio with maximum performance. Since 2013, it has driven the Kverneland Mulcher FRH (among others).


IN USE: optibelt RED POWER 3 S=C Plus

[Translate to Thai:] Learn more about us

[Translate to Thai:] Optibelt GmbH

Industry trailer


[Translate to Thai:] Optibelt GmbH
Corveyer Allee 15
D-37671 Höxter/Germany

Tel.: +49 5271 621
Email: info-optibelt[at]optibeltcom