
Applications in agricultural technology

[Translate to English:] Landtechnik von Optibelt

Combine harvesters

Equipped with Optibelt high-performance belts

[Translate to English:] Mähdrescher ausgestattet mit Optibelt Riemen

Today’s combine harvesters are more than just cereal harvesting machines. Not only productivity, but also versatility and reliability, play a decisive role.

Field choppers

Driven by Optibelt belts

Optibelt application field choppers

The all-rounder among harvesting machines. Whether it’s maize, grass, or alfalfa, the demands on field choppers are constantly on the rise.


[Translate to English:] Auch Mähwerke werden von Optibelt Riemen angetrieben

Today, in addition to fuel consumption, maintenance and adaptation to the ground, perfect power transmission is extremely important.

Products in use

Success stories

Optibelt success story Kverneland

Perfect speed ratio - maximum performance

Kverneland, Norway

With a company history spanning over 130 years, Kverneland reaches milestones in agricultural machinery production. For this, it relies on Optibelt’s quality belts. After an exhaustive testing phase, they decided to use a maintenance-free, high-performance wedge belt by Optibelt.

which combines a perfect speed ratio with maximum performance. Since 2013, it has driven the Kverneland Mulcher FRH (among others).


IN USE: optibelt RED POWER 3 S=C Plus

Learn more about us

Optibelt GmbH

Industry trailer


Optibelt GmbH
Corveyer Allee 15
D-37671 Höxter/Germany

Tel.: +49 5271 621
Email: info-optibelt[at]optibeltcom